Smooth Steps: How to Wean Off Formula with Ease and Confidence

how to wean off formula - girl in chair

 Are you wondering how to wean off formula? Typically starting at the first birthday, the transition away from formula varies for every child. This article lays out clear steps for weaning from baby formula and replacing formula feedings with signs indicating your baby is ready, while keeping nutrition balanced. We’ll tailor it to your child’s needs without complicating the process.

 how to wean off formula - try else toddler nutrition


Key Takeaways

Start weaning off formula around a baby’s first birthday, but it requires a personalized approach that considers each child’s readiness and a slow transition to cow’s milk or alternatives.

Transition from formula to cow’s milk after 12 months by gradually mixing them, introduce sippy cups over bottles to prevent cavities, and choose a milk that suits dietary needs, including lactose or dairy intolerance.

Expect some challenges during weaning, like resistance and picky eating, so be ready to provide comfort and monitor for allergies, while maintaining a balanced diet and consulting professionals if needed. Transitioning to whole cow's milk is particularly beneficial for toddlers, as it provides essential nutrients for healthy brain development and overall growth, with experts like the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics recommending plain whole cow's milk for children aged 1-2.

The Right Time to Begin Weaning Off Formula

So, when is the right time to start weaning your little one off formula? Typically, the journey begins around their first birthday, but remember, every child is unique, and individual circumstances can influence the exact timeline. After their first birthday, you can start contemplating how to transition them off of formula entirely. This is because, by one year old, your baby will be able to get enough nutrients from solid food and cow’s milk, marking a significant milestone in your baby's life as they navigate through this crucial development and nutritional transition.

In their first year, babies require formula or breast milk due to their rapid growth and the essential nutrients these provide for development. However, at around six months, you can start introducing solid foods, which should be paired with formula until they are ready to transition to cow’s milk. It’s all about a balanced approach!

When to start weaning off formula

The recommended age for starting to wean a baby off formula is around 12 months old. But be aware, every child is different. If your little one relies on bottles for comfort or settling into sleep, they may find it more challenging to wean off after 12 months. Don’t worry, though, professional guidance can make this process smoother.

A GP, child and family health nurse, or another health professional can help determine a personalized plan to wean from baby formula that suits your child’s individual circumstances. They can guide you on how to slowly replace formula servings with cow’s milk or how to introduce a milk alternative, ensuring the process is tailored to your child’s needs.

Signs your baby is ready for weaning

As you prepare for this transition, you might wonder what signs to look out for. Well, your baby will give you hints! Around six months, introducing solid foods can prepare your baby for future transitions to cow’s milk by getting them used to new flavors and preparing their digestive systems.

As they approach one year, practicing with a spoon and eating independently are key developmental milestones that indicate their readiness to drink from a cup. So, if your little one is showing strong opinions about new foods or has started using a sippy cup, they might be ready to embark on the weaning journey.

Choosing the right milk for your child

When it comes to choosing the right milk for your child, a few factors come into play. Once your baby turns one year old, their digestive system is generally ready to process cow’s milk. For children aged 1-2, plain (unflavored) whole milk, which is whole cow’s milk, is recommended. To make this transition smoother, consider serving the milk warmish, similar to the temperature of the baby formula they are accustomed to. This can enhance their comfort and acceptance of cow's milk. Warming the milk on the stove is preferred over the microwave to avoid any health hazards.

The rich nutrients in whole cow’s milk support your child’s growth and development. However, if your little one has a confirmed cow’s milk allergy, don’t worry. There are plenty of alternatives to whole cow’s milk available, which we’ll dive into next.

Gradual methods for introducing cow's milk

As we mentioned earlier, introducing cow’s milk should be a gradual process. You can start by offering cow’s milk mixed with prepared formula in small amounts, then increase the ratio over time. This method allows your baby to get used to the taste of cow’s milk without a sudden change.

Another useful strategy is to offer cow’s milk in a cup, particularly during meals. This will not only ease the transition from bottle-fed formula to drinking milk independently but also promote good sippy cup practice. Remember, patience is key! Your baby is learning a new skill, and it might take some time.

weaning toddler of formula

Alternatives to Cow's Milk

While cow’s milk is a common choice for many families, it’s not the only option. If your child is allergic to cow’s milk or if you’re looking for a plant-based alternative, fortified soy milk is a recommended choice by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Along with soy milk, unsweetened and fortified pea-based and oat milks are also recommended alternatives for children with milk allergies or intolerance. Just make sure the milk alternative you choose is unsweetened and fortified with vitamin D and calcium to meet your child’s nutritional needs.

Else Nutrition Plant-Based Toddler Formula as a Dairy-Free Alternative

If you’re searching for a dairy-free alternative, Else Nutrition Plant-Based Toddler Formula is a great choice for toddlers aged 1-3 years. Designed to supplement the diet of toddlers, this toddler milk formula can be used daily or occasionally, as part of a dietary plan that also includes any combination of breast milk, cow milk, or solid foods.


This formula is not just lactose-free but also dairy-free and soy-free, providing an alternative for parents who are avoiding both lactose and dairy in their child’s diet. As we know, every child is unique, and having options is essential to cater to their specific needs. This makes finding the right formula to milk crucial for their well-being.

Plant-based and non-dairy milks

When it comes to plant-based milks, not all are created equal. For instance, most plant-based milks have less protein compared to cow’s milk, except for soy milk, which offers a similar protein content.

In addition to protein, it’s essential to check that your chosen plant-based milk is fortified with calcium and vitamin D. Opting for unsweetened varieties can also reduce intake of added sugars, making them a healthier choice. Lastly, take note that the nutrient profile of plant-based milks can be altered by processing, potentially lowering their satiety level due to the removal of fiber.

Specialized toddler formulas

Specialized toddler formulas are often marketed with claims that they provide essential nutrients for a child’s development. However, it’s worth noting that most healthy toddlers do not require these specialized formulas. A balanced diet after weaning off breastmilk or infant formula generally meets their nutritional needs.

While some toddler formulas contain added nutrients like iron and vitamin D, excessive intake can lead to health issues like dental fluorosis or nutrient imbalances. Plus, they often come with a higher price tag without proportionate health benefits to justify the extra expense.

Ditching the Bottle: Moving to Sippy Cups and Beyond

Once your child is comfortable with drinking cow’s milk or a milk alternative, it’s time to say goodbye to the bottle and hello to sippy cups or straw cups. Why the switch? Moving away from bottles can help prevent dental cavities and reduce the risk of your child consuming more milk than necessary.

In fact, it’s ideal to introduce cow’s milk through an open cup or a cup with a straw rather than in a bottle. Plus, making the transition from the bottle to a cup can be a fun and exciting process for your little one, marking another milestone in their journey towards becoming a big kid! Learn more about the move from bottle to cup in this article.

The benefits of moving away from bottles

Transitioning from a bottle to a cup or a straw comes with a host of benefits. For starters, it can help prevent dental cavities and reduce the risk of your child consuming more milk than necessary. Moreover, transitioning toddlers from bottles to sippy cups or straw cups can help prevent tooth decay.

It’s also worth noting that serving cow’s milk in baby bottles may lead toddlers to consume too much in one sitting or throughout the day, increasing the risk for iron deficiency anemia. Plus, children who continue bottle-feeding past 12 months may consume more high-calorie fluids and less solid food, missing out on essential nutrients. Monitoring milk servings can help in maintaining a balanced diet for your child.

Strategies for introducing new drinking vessels

When it comes to introducing new drinking vessels, the key is to make the process gradual and fun. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Remove bottles from the feeding schedule progressively.

  2. Offer different liquids in the sippy cup to make it more appealing.

  3. Adapt the bedtime routine to include a straw cup instead of a bottle.

By following these steps, you can help your child transition from bottle feed to new drinking vessels.

You can make the process fun by using a special cup and celebrating weaning as an important milestone in growing up. Remember, it’s not just about the destination, but also about the journey. So, celebrate every little victory along the way!

Coping with Challenges During the Weaning Process

Let’s be real - the weaning process can be challenging. After the first birthday, children may become selective about the foods they eat, but it’s crucial to ensure they receive about 1,000 calories a day to meet their nutritional needs. So, what can you do to cope with these challenges?

Engaging your child in play or providing various activities during their usual nursing times can offer a helpful distraction. If a child refuses a snack or drink from a cup during the weaning process, it is advised to wait and offer it again later. Remember, persistence is key!

Handling resistance and upset feelings

Resistance and upset feelings are common during the weaning process. If your child frequently requests a bottle, they may be signaling needs beyond hunger or thirst, such as a desire for comfort.

To soothe children who are upset by the weaning process, parents can offer extra affection or engage in special activities such as reading books or playing games. If resistance to weaning causes significant distress for the child or parent, it’s advisable to temporarily pause and consider retrying weaning at a later time.

Monitoring for allergies or discomfort

While weaning is generally a smooth process, it’s important to be vigilant for potential issues, such as allergies or discomfort. Signs of cow’s milk intolerance, such as a stuffy nose or a dramatic change in stools, may show up in some babies.

If your baby shows signs of cow’s milk intolerance, it’s crucial to promptly consult with your child’s pediatrician for further advice and management. After all, ensuring the health and comfort of your baby’s life is the top priority during this transition period.


Weaning your toddler off formula and transitioning them to cow’s milk or a milk alternative is a significant milestone in their growth and development. While the process may come with its share of challenges, it’s an exciting journey that can be navigated smoothly with the right knowledge and guidance. Whether it’s choosing the right time to begin weaning, selecting the appropriate milk for your child, or coping with resistance and upset feelings, remember that every child is unique, and your approach should be tailored to their individual needs. Happy weaning!

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I start weaning my child off formula?

You should start weaning your child off formula around their first birthday, but it can depend on individual circumstances.

How can I introduce my child to cow's milk?

You can introduce your child to cow's milk by gradually mixing it with prepared formula, increasing the ratio of milk to formula over time until they are entirely on cow's milk. Try this out and see how it goes!

What if my child can't drink cow's milk?

If your child is allergic to cow's milk, consider fortified soy milk, pea-based milk, or oat milk as recommended alternatives. Date not provided.

How can I handle resistance during the weaning process?

Offer extra affection and engage in special activities to soothe your child during the weaning process. If resistance causes significant distress, consider pausing and retrying weaning at a later time.

How do I know if my child has cow's milk intolerance?

If your child shows signs like a stuffy nose or a dramatic change in stools, consult your child's pediatrician for advice and management.


This article was reviewed by Kayla Bridges, DCN, MS, RD-AP. Kayla Bridges is Director of Medical & Scientific Affairs at Else Nutrition, North America.


The content and advice provided in this article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment, advice for specific medical conditions. Always consult a pediatrician to understand the individual needs of your child. The article expresses the views of the brand editor.

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